CMS has issued an unprecedented number of blanket waivers in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, but exactly what F-Tags are impacted by the changes? Join Hugh Heaton, Subject Matter Expert, as he explains the CMS blanket waivers governing Skilled Nursing Facilities and the impact by F-Tag.
**SHP acquired Team TSI, a leader in long-term care analytics, in 2020. Now the combined entity delivers a best-in-class solution for SNFs and other LTPAC providers. Learn more about IntelliLogix™.
Blanket Waivers Mapped to F-Tags (PDF) Blanket Waivers Mapped to Survey Tags (PDF)

Hugh Heaton spent 12 years as a nursing home administrator, has more than 40 years in the LTC profession, and is the author and creator of numerous policy manuals and regulatory compliance guides.