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Proven methodologies and superior implementation to ensure reliable and accurate data collection

SHP for HHCAHPS surveys

At SHP, we do more than just administer surveys. Our goal is to help your organization turn data into a powerful part of your business strategy. With a HHCAHPS survey response rate amongst the highest in the industry, SHP represents the gold standard for benchmarking and performance improvement, while having well-established data integration with every major EHR.

Home Health Star Rating Report

SHP has been administering Home Health CAHPS (HHCAHPS) surveys as an approved vendor for many years and we understand how to turn your HHCAHPS data into a powerful part of your business strategy. We set the standard, from survey administration to data analysis and performance improvement.

Now featuring comment transcription

Home Health Star Rating Report

Utilizing the power of advanced handwriting transcription software, SHP customers are able to translate scanned survey comments into text to quickly analyze survey responses and gain a comprehensive view of customer feedback.

Unlimited training and education
on all subscribed products

  • Link surveys to individual case managers
  • Measure performance against state and national benchmarks
  • Access caregiver comments in their own handwriting

“These scorecards are invaluable in helping us provide transparent, timely and objective feedback to our clinicians so that they continually refine their performance."
- Executive Vice President, Home and Community Services, Holland Home

Why SHP for Agencies?
Easy-to-use Automatic interfaces with most EHRs Real-time view into performance with no delays Drilldowns to individual locations, patients, clinicians Largest benchmark database