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OASIS review software
It's kind of our thing.

SHP's OASIS scrubbing tool

Now an industry-standard term, we coined the phrase "OASIS scrubbing" when we originally streamlined the process of documentation review and oversight. SHP’s real-time alerts are the most comprehensive in the industry. Our solution enables your agency to fix inconsistencies in your documentation before submitting to CMS, while ensuring maximum reimbursement for your work without leaving any revenue on the table. Additionally, our OASIS scrubbing not only corrects your initial assessment, we also provide immediate alerts for errors in recertification, transfer, and discharge assessments.

  • Eliminates the need for manual reviews
  • Improves documentation accuracy
  • Holds clinicians accountable for accuracy and timely fixing of errors and inconsistencies
  • Ensures optimal reimbursement for your work
  • Enhance quality of care for your patients

SHP automatically receives data from your software partner. Our OASIS scrubbing tools get to work instantly, spotlighting inconsistencies and sending you alerts in real time. Examples of potential issues our scrubber might identify include:

  • diagnosis coding errors icon
    Diagnosis coding
  • oasis software documentation errors icon
    OASIS software documentation errors
  • revenue-related alerts icon
  • process measures icon
    Process measures
  • case-mix weights icon
    Case-mix weights
  • hhrg revenue variances icon
    HHRG revenue variances
  • clinical outcomes icon
    Clinical outcomes
  • accuracy in questions impacting risk-adjustment icon
    Accuracy in questions impacting risk-adjustment
Performance Data Analytics for SNFs - IntelloLogix

Increase staff support and education with cutting-edge reports

Our scrubbing tools go beyond fixing documentation errors by providing educational support to clinicians and tracking the accuracy and timeliness of their documentation. SHP offers comprehensive reports for managing OASIS reviews, with data viewable by location, region, branch, clinician, and alert category. Additionally, our reports highlight potential lost revenue due to unresolved alerts, helping your agency improve its financial performance and operational processes.

Why SHP for Agencies?
Easy-to-use Automatic interfaces with most EHRs Real-time view into performance with no delays Drilldowns to individual locations, patients, clinicians Largest benchmark database