HQRP, Hospice Item Set & QAPI
Tired of searching through multiple sources for data? SHP combines all your reporting requirements into one easy-to use solution.
By partnering with your EHR software, SHP is able to extract a complete set of hospice benchmarking data, including all Hospice Item Set (HIS) fields. This feeds into a comprehensive suite of real-time Hospice Quality Reporting Program (HQRP) and demographic benchmarking reports, automating time-consuming tasks and allowing you to focus on quality improvement.
By utilizing automated HQRP, your hospice can take a proactive approach to improving HIS and CAHPS scores, while staying on top of trends through immediate corrective action.
Automated HVLDL and HCI tracking
Manually extracting claims data is both cumbersome and time consuming. SHP automatically tracks the latest claims-based measures from CMS, including Hospice Visits in Last Days of Life (HVLDL) and Hospice Care Index (HCI), enabling you to spend less time logging data and more time focusing on training staff and improving performance. With our reports, you receive access to patient-specific feedback for each key measure, as well as real-time benchmarks to see how your scores stack up against other organizations.