Hold effective meetings with your home care network providers

December 14, 2020 11 am Pacific / 12 pm Mountain / 1 pm Central / 2 pm Eastern 30 minutes

Learn how HonorHealth uses CareStat® to improve home health agency relationships and provider meetings.

With post-acute public reporting data on hold, collaboration between acute and post-acute care teams has never been more important. Many hospitals and health systems are at different stages on their journey towards integrated care coordination and post-acute network management. Forward-thinking technology has evolved with the changing landscape, and seamless data is key for success.

Join Pamela Foster, Vice President of Care Coordination, and Jeri Davis, Network Director, Transition of Care, as they share challenges faced in managing a trusted post-acute network, and their experience using CareStat by SHP.

This webinar will discuss ways to:

  • Use data to manage performance of your network
  • Build agendas for group meetings that focus on collaboration
  • Improve patient care through data-empowered partnerships
Watch On-Demand

Webinar presented in partnership with:HonorHealth Logo

Part 2 in the series "Tools for successful management of a home care network"

Watch Part 1 On-demand:
The importance of real-time data

Presented by:

Pamela Foster
Pamela Foster, LCSW, MBA, ACM-SW Vice President, Care Coordination
Jeri Davis
Jeri Davis, MBA, RNNetwork Director, Transition of Care